Pain Practice
Walaupun Kesakitan Tidak Dapat Dielakkan, Penderitaan Tidak
Clinical conditions:
Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Radicular Pain
Chronic Neck and Back Pain
Cervicogenic Headache
Neuropathic Pain
Neuralgia, Including Herpetic Neuralgia (Shingles)
Post-Traumatic Pain
Failed Back Syndrome
Post Laminectomy Syndrome
Myofascial Pain
Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar Facet Pain
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Discogenic Pain
Phantom Limb Pain
Joint Pain
Interventional Pain Procedures
Cervical facet injections
Thoracic epidural injections
Intercostal nerve blocks
Trigger point injections
Joint injections
Cervical radiofrequency neurotomy
Sacroiliac radiofrequency neurotomy
Caudal Steroid Injections
Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections
Dekompressor Discectomy
Provocative Discography
Facet Joint Injections
Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection
Lumbar Radiofrequency Neurotomy
Lumbar Sympathetic Block
Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection
Medial Branch Block
Percutaneous Disc Nucleoplasty
Sacroiliac Joint Steroid Injections
Splanchnic nerves block
Stellate Ganglion Block
Celiac Plexus Block
Fascia Iliaca Block
Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy (IDET)
Percutaneous Laser Discoplasty
RACZ Caudal Neurolysis
Radiofrequency Ablation of Nerves
Trigger Point Injections
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Nerve Blocks
Genicular Neurotomy
Suprascapular nerve block
*all conditions and interventions will be verified by our in-house specialists and procedures will be carried out under our partner hospital settings.