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Making fertility-friendly lifestyle choices
If you are thinking about getting pregnant, you can do many simple, effective things right now to improve your chances of conception,...

Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs in an older person
Some people over age 60 have few, if any, symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), while others experience the same...

We are hiring !
Osel Clinic cordially invites all that wishes to make a change or wishes to impact the communities to write in to us to join our growing...

redOne Cup
Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It...

Dengue Fever Still Significant Public Health Issue In Malaysia
The total number of Dengue Fever cases in Malaysia increased drastically from 21,900 in year 2012 to 120,836 in year 2015. In 2016 the...

What is Women's Health ?
What is the definition of women’s health? Women’s health refers to the health of women, which is an example of population health. Health...

免感染传染病 促灾民加强卫生措施
(槟城17日讯)继周五槟州100个地方发生闪电水灾后,灾民受促在灾后加强关注个人及家人健康与卫生问题,并采取预防措施,以避免感染传染疾病。 Osel Group医务董事薛科翔医生指出,一般上,在本地发生水患后尽可能出现为多的疾病为霍乱、骨痛热症及食物中毒。...

The voice of a Malaysian Dietitian
”What’s your occupation?” “I am a dietitian.” The question following this will usually be “Die….what? Dietitian? What’s that? Is it same...

Love of Life
Message to INWAA-MALAYSIA Beloved friends and members of International Women Artists Association-Malaysia, As a medical doctor and...

Osel Group
Welcome to Osel Group - a new generation of medical and educational institutions that are integrated under one roof. Changes are rapidly...
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